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I was born in Savona on March 6, 2000, but I grew up in Udine.

In 2019 I travelled to Trieste to attend the University. In 2019 I won the "Luciano Fonda" scholarship for studying Mathematics. I received my Bachelor's in Mathematics with honors in 2022, with the "Magnitude and Magnitude Homology for Graph and Metric Spaces" thesis. After I graduated, I kept the Luciano Fonda scholarship for the MSc in Data Science and Scientific Computing. 

I am currently in Trieste, attending the second year of my Master's degree. During my Master's, I gained extensive experience collaborating with research institutes like SISSA and Area Science Park.

My primary research interests include density-based clustering algorithms and variational inference.


Main courses attended:

  •  Machine Learning, Advanced Machine Learning, Probabilistic Machine Learning

  • Reinforcement Learning, Unsupervised Learning

  •  Statistical Methods for Data Science

  •  Databases

  •  Advanced Programming

  •  Optimization Algorithms

  •  Deep Learning

  •  Information Retrieval and Data Visualization


Other stuff:

  • I play the cello since I was six. Here you can find some other information.

  • I'm a passionate football fun: in 2022 I founded the "Milan Club Udine". In two months we've became the biggest club in Friuli with more than 140 people. This experience is teaching me a lot of soft skills such as teamwork, leading and public relations.

  • I recently got into climbing. Here there are some funny photos.

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