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My latest projects

As an MSc student in Artificial Intelligence, I have worked on various projects that leverage advanced deep learning techniques. Here are some of the projects I have completed or am working on.

Theoretical project about Evolutionary Algorithms applied to Generative Adversarial Networks. During this project, we studied and implemented a new crossover operator acting on a population of generators.


This project aims to implement different models for Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) using deep neural networks and SVD techniques and compare their performances. The goal of the assessment is to evaluate the quality of the learned latent space.

Final project for HPC course, implementing the Game of Life using OpenMP and MPI.

FashionMnist project of Alessi Michele

This project explores FashionMNIST dataset with unsupervised and supervised learning techniques to evaluate their effectiveness in classification.

This is the final project for Probabilistic Machine Learning course.

It applies a MCMC and HMM methods for text decryption. The method is applied for decrypting messages which have been encoded using substitution cipher, homophonic cipher an double cipher.

Hidden Markov Model project of Alessi Michele
Reinforcement learning project of Alessi Michele

Final project for the Reinforcement Learning course: the goal is to teach an agent how to play the flappy bird game.

The agent has no knowledge of the environment but perfect observability of the states. As such it is phrased as a model-free reinforcement learning problem.

Standard Reinforcement Learning techniques for policy controls was attempted and compared.

The aim of this study is to conduct topological analysis on a FCNN trained using the MNIST dataset. Various clustering techniques were applied to identify the network's critical neurons, and the results were analyzed by examining their corresponding weights.

topological analyisis project of Alessi Michele
Clustering project of Alessi Michele

A small repository implementing classical clustering algorithm from scratch.

Study of asymptotic properties of the magnitude for a graph and how magnitude homology groups behave on graphs.

Magnitude homology thesis of Alessi Michele
Lotka Volterra project of Alessi Michele

Il modello di Lotka-Volterra si propone di studiare la dinamica dell’evoluzione di due specie che convivono in un certo ambiente, sotto determinate ipotesi. 

The goal is to propose a method for leaf identification based on the provided leaf attributes and using a proper unsupervised or supervised learning tool.​

Leaf project of Alessi Michele
Car project of Alessi Michele

The dataset contains information about used cars from 1988 to 2022 in India. We have information about the selling price, in Indian Rupee, together with some characteristics of the car. According to the available data, the goal is to build a statistical model for predicting the price of a car having specified features.

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